Uses of Class

Packages that use HashMapSet

Uses of HashMapSet in org.jgroups.protocols

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols that return HashMapSet
 HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> OMOLSRHeader.getForwardingTable()
          Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from all nodes)

Methods in org.jgroups.protocols with parameters of type HashMapSet
 void OMOLSRHeader.setForwardingTable(HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> forwardingTable)
          Sets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet

Uses of HashMapSet in urv.olsr.message

Methods in urv.olsr.message that return HashMapSet
 HashMapSet<LinkCode,OLSRNode> HelloMessage.getMessageInfo()

Constructors in urv.olsr.message with parameters of type HashMapSet
HelloMessage(HashMapSet<LinkCode,OLSRNode> map)

Uses of HashMapSet in

Methods in that return HashMapSet
 HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> OMOLSRData.getHeadersForForwardingNodes(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> virtualNeighborsToForwardSet, java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet)
          Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive
 HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> OMOLSRData.getHeadersForSource(OLSRNode localOLSRNode)
          Obtains the headers to be sent into a multicast message