Uses of Class

Packages that use MulticastAddress   

Uses of MulticastAddress in

Methods in with parameters of type MulticastAddress
protected  MChannel Application.createMChannel(MulticastAddress mcastAddr)

Uses of MulticastAddress in urv.machannel

Methods in urv.machannel with parameters of type MulticastAddress
 MChannel ChannelGenerator.createMChannel(MulticastAddress mcastAddr)
          This method returns and initiates a MChannel instance when the channel is used in a not emulated environment.
 MChannel ChannelGenerator.createMChannel(MulticastAddress mcastAddr, Application application, EmulationController controller)
          This method returns and initiates a MChannel instance.
 MChannel ChannelGenerator.createMChannel(MulticastAddress mcastAddr, java.lang.String groupId)
          This method returns and initiates a MChannel instance when the channel is used in a not emulated environment.

Constructors in urv.machannel with parameters of type MulticastAddress
MChannelImpl(org.jgroups.Transport channel, MulticastAddress mcastAddr, java.lang.String channelName, EmulationController controller)

Uses of MulticastAddress in urv.olsr.mcast

Methods in urv.olsr.mcast that return types with arguments of type MulticastAddress
 java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> MulticastGroupsTable.getJoinedMulticastGroups(OLSRNode node)
          Returns the multicast addresses of the groups joined by the node

Method parameters in urv.olsr.mcast with type arguments of type MulticastAddress
 void MulticastGroupsTable.updateMulticastGroups(OLSRNode originatorNode, java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> joinedGroups)

Uses of MulticastAddress in urv.olsr.message

Methods in urv.olsr.message that return types with arguments of type MulticastAddress
 java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> TcMessage.getJoinedMulticastGroups()

Method parameters in urv.olsr.message with type arguments of type MulticastAddress
 void TcMessage.setJoinedMulticastGroups(java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> joinedMulticastGroups)