Uses of OLSRNode in org.jgroups.protocols |
Fields in org.jgroups.protocols declared as OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
Methods in org.jgroups.protocols that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
Methods in org.jgroups.protocols that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from all nodes) |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from all nodes) |
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRHeader.getForwardingTableEntry(OLSRNode node)
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from one node) |
Methods in org.jgroups.protocols with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRHeader.getForwardingTableEntry(OLSRNode node)
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from one node) |
java.lang.Object |
OLSR.sendDataMessage(org.jgroups.Message msg,
OLSRNode finalDest,
java.lang.String mcast_addr_name)
void |
OLSRHeader.setDest(OLSRNode dest)
Method parameters in org.jgroups.protocols with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
java.lang.Object |
OLSR.passUpdateEvent(NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> networkGraph,
RoutingTable routingTable)
Passes an update (VIEW_CHANGE) event up to the stack |
void |
OMOLSRHeader.setForwardingTable(HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> forwardingTable)
Sets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet |
void |
OMOLSRHeader.setForwardingTable(HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> forwardingTable)
Sets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet |
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.emulator |
Methods in urv.emulator with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
NeighborTable |
EmulationNeighborData.getNeighbortable(OLSRNode node)
Returns a previous registered neighbor table |
void |
EmulationNeighborData.registerNeighborTable(OLSRNode node,
NeighborTable neighborTable)
Adds a new table to the structure |
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.machannel |
Methods in urv.machannel that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
Retrieves the NetworkGraph with the topology below us |
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.core |
Methods in urv.olsr.core with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
static OLSRController |
OLSRController.getInstance(OLSRNode localNode,
OLSRMessageSender messageSender)
In an emulated environment, the first OLSR instance will be the messageSender |
java.lang.Object |
OLSRController.handleOutgoingDataMessage(org.jgroups.Message msg,
OLSRNode dest,
java.lang.String mcast_addr_name)
This method uses the routing table to determine |
Constructors in urv.olsr.core with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
MprComputationController(NeighborTable neighborTable,
NeighborsOfNeighborsSet neighborsOfNeighborsSet,
MprSet mprSet,
OLSRNode localNode)
OLSRThread(OLSRMessageSender sender,
NeighborTable neighborTable,
MprComputationController mprComputationController,
RoutingTableComputationController routingTableComputationController,
MprSelectorSet mprSelectorSet,
OLSRPacketFactory olsrPacketFactory,
TopologyInformationBaseTable topologyTable,
DuplicateTable duplicateTable,
TopologyInformationSender controllerUpper,
MulticastNetworkGraphComputationController multicastNetworkGraphComputationController,
MulticastGroupsTable multicastGroupsTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
RoutingTableComputationController(NeighborTable neighborTable,
RoutingTable routingTable,
TopologyInformationBaseTable topologyTable,
NeighborsOfNeighborsSet neighborsOfNeighborsSet,
OLSRNode localNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data |
Methods in urv.olsr.data with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
OLSRNode.updateBandwidth(OLSRNode updatedNode)
void |
BandwidthUpdatable.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data.duplicate |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.duplicate with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
boolean |
DuplicateTable.containsSameAddrSeq(OLSRNode originator,
SequenceNumber messageSequenceNumber)
boolean |
DuplicateTable.isRetransmitted(OLSRNode originator,
SequenceNumber seqNumber)
Constructors in urv.olsr.data.duplicate with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
DuplicateTable(OLSRNode localNode)
DuplicateTableEntry(OLSRNode originatorAddr,
SequenceNumber msgSeqNum)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data.mpr |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.mpr that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
Returns a copy of the set, and prevents from concurrent modifications |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.mpr with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
OLSRSet.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
void |
OLSRPairSet.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
Method parameters in urv.olsr.data.mpr with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
void |
OLSRSet.setCopyOfSet(java.util.List<OLSRNode> list)
Adds all elements to the data set The data elements cannot be retrieved during the copy operation |
void |
OLSRSet.setCopyOfSet(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> set)
Adds all elements to the data set The data elements cannot be retrieved during the copy operation |
void |
MprSelectorSet.setCopyOfSet(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> set)
Constructors in urv.olsr.data.mpr with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
MprSelectorSet(OLSRNode localNode)
MprSet(OLSRNode localNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data.neighbour |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.neighbour that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.neighbour with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
NeighborTable.addNeighborEntryWithTimestamp(OLSRNode node,
NeighborTableEntry entry,
int expiringTime)
Adds a new entry to the table |
boolean |
NeighborTable.entryExists(OLSRNode node)
Checks if the node has an entry inside the Neighbor Table |
boolean |
NeighborTable.isSymmetricNeighbor(OLSRNode node)
Returns true if the specified node is in the symmetric 1-hop neighborhood of the local node |
void |
NeighborTableEntry.setNeighbor(OLSRNode neighbor)
void |
NeighborTable.updateBwOf(OLSRNode originatorNode)
Constructors in urv.olsr.data.neighbour with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
NeighborTable(OLSRNode localNode,
NeighborsOfNeighborsSet neighborsOfNeighborsSet)
Creates a new table (with entries that may expire) for storing all information about neighbors |
NeighborTableEntry(OLSRNode neighbor,
LinkCode linkStatus,
OLSRSet neighborsOfNeighbors)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data.routing |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.routing that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.routing with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
RoutingTable.addRoutingTableEntry(OLSRNode destAddr,
OLSRNode nextAddr,
int hops)
Adds a new entry to the routing table |
RoutingTableEntry |
RoutingTable.getRoutingTableEntry(OLSRNode node)
Obtains an entry from the routing table |
void |
RoutingTable.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
Constructors in urv.olsr.data.routing with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
RoutingTable(OLSRNode localNode)
RoutingTableEntry(OLSRNode destAddr,
OLSRNode nextAddr,
int hops)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.data.topology |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.topology that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
Methods in urv.olsr.data.topology with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
TopologyInformationBaseTable.addTopologyInformationBaseEntry(OLSRNode originator,
OLSRNode advertisedNode,
SequenceNumber seqNum,
int expiringTime)
Adds a new entry to the table |
void |
TopologyInformationBaseTable.removeOldEntriesForOriginator(OLSRNode originator)
Removes all entries of the table from the given originator |
void |
OLSRNodePair.setAdvertised(OLSRNode advertised)
void |
OLSRNodePair.setOriginator(OLSRNode originator)
Constructors in urv.olsr.data.topology with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
OLSRNodePair(OLSRNode originator,
OLSRNode advertised)
TopologyInformationBaseEntry(OLSRNode originator,
OLSRNode advertisedNode,
SequenceNumber seqNum)
TopologyInformationBaseTable(OLSRNode localNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.handlers |
Methods in urv.olsr.handlers with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
HelloMessageHandler.handleHelloMessage(OLSRNode source,
HelloMessage helloMessage,
ValidityTime vTime)
Updates neighborTable with the new information coming from this message |
void |
TcMessageHandler.handleTcMessage(OLSRNode originatorNode,
OLSRNode srcNode,
TcMessage tcMessage,
ValidityTime vTime)
Constructors in urv.olsr.handlers with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
HelloMessageHandler(NeighborTable neighborTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
The Handler will update Neighbor table depending on the HELLO messages received |
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.mcast |
Methods in urv.olsr.mcast that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
TopologyEvent.getNextHopTo(OLSRNode node)
Methods in urv.olsr.mcast that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
MulticastNetworkGraph.computeContractedGraph(java.lang.String mcastAddr)
Computes the contracted graph for the specified group |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
MulticastNetworkGraph.getGroupMembers(java.lang.String mcastAddr)
Returns a set that includes all nodes that have joined the specified multicast group. |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
MulticastGroupsTable.getGroupMembers(java.lang.String mcastAddr)
Obtains a new HashSet with cloned copies of the members of this multicast group |
Methods in urv.olsr.mcast with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
MulticastNetworkGraph.addEdge(OLSRNode node1,
OLSRNode node2)
void |
MulticastNetworkGraph.addEdges(OLSRNode node1,
OLSRNode node2)
void |
MulticastNetworkGraph.addNode(OLSRNode localNode2)
long |
TopologyEvent.getBandwidthCapacityInBytesOf(OLSRNode node)
Returns the the bandwidth capacity of a specific node |
long |
TopologyEvent.getBandwidthCapacityInMessagesOf(OLSRNode node)
int |
TopologyEvent.getHopCountTo(OLSRNode olsrNode)
java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> |
MulticastGroupsTable.getJoinedMulticastGroups(OLSRNode node)
Returns the multicast addresses of the groups joined by the node |
long |
TopologyEvent.getLowestBandwidthCapacityInBytesOfRouteTo(OLSRNode node)
OLSRNode |
TopologyEvent.getNextHopTo(OLSRNode node)
void |
MulticastGroupsTable.registerMulticastGroup(OLSRNode node,
java.lang.String mcastAddrName)
void |
MulticastGroupsTable.unregisterMulticastGroup(OLSRNode node,
java.lang.String mcastAddrName)
void |
MulticastNetworkGraph.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
void |
MulticastGroupsTable.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)
void |
MulticastGroupsTable.updateMulticastGroups(OLSRNode originatorNode,
java.util.Set<MulticastAddress> joinedGroups)
Constructors in urv.olsr.mcast with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
MulticastNetworkGraph(MulticastGroupsTable multicastGroupsTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
MulticastNetworkGraphComputationController(MulticastNetworkGraph multicastNetworkGraph,
NeighborTable neighborTable,
TopologyInformationBaseTable topologyTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
TopologyEvent(NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> networkGraph,
RoutingTable routingTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
Constructor parameters in urv.olsr.mcast with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
TopologyEvent(NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> networkGraph,
RoutingTable routingTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.message |
Methods in urv.olsr.message that return OLSRNode | |
OLSRNode |
OLSRNode |
Methods in urv.olsr.message that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
HashMapSet<LinkCode,OLSRNode> |
Methods in urv.olsr.message with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
java.lang.Object |
OLSRMessageSender.sendDataMessage(org.jgroups.Message msg,
OLSRNode finalDest,
java.lang.String mcast_addr_name)
Sends an OLSR data message. |
Method parameters in urv.olsr.message with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
java.lang.Object |
OLSRMessageUpper.passUpdateEvent(NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> mcastNetworkGraph,
RoutingTable routingTable)
Constructors in urv.olsr.message with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
OLSRPacket(int messageType,
ValidityTime time,
OLSRNode originator,
int ttl,
int hopCount,
SequenceNumber messageSequenceNumber,
OLSRMessage content)
OLSRPacketFactory(OLSRNode localNode)
Constructor parameters in urv.olsr.message with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
HelloMessage(HashMapSet<LinkCode,OLSRNode> map)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.olsr.message.generator |
Constructors in urv.olsr.message.generator with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
TcMessageGenerator(OLSRMessageSender messageSender,
MprSelectorSet mprSelectorSet,
OLSRPacketFactory olsrPacketFactory,
MulticastGroupsTable multicastGroupsTable,
OLSRNode localNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.omolsr.core |
Constructors in urv.omolsr.core with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
OMOLSRController(OMOLSR omolsr,
OLSRNode localNode)
StandardHandler(OMOLSR omolsr,
OMOLSRData data,
OLSRNode localOLSRNode)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.omolsr.data |
Fields in urv.omolsr.data with type parameters of type OLSRNode | |
static GraphUtils<OLSRNode,Weight> |
Methods in urv.omolsr.data that return types with arguments of type OLSRNode | |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph.computeMinimumSpanningTree(OLSRNode localNode)
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForForwardingNodes(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> virtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet)
Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForForwardingNodes(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> virtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet)
Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForSource(OLSRNode localOLSRNode)
Obtains the headers to be sent into a multicast message |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForSource(OLSRNode localOLSRNode)
Obtains the headers to be sent into a multicast message |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are not virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsInSubtree(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
OLSRNode directDestinationNode)
Gets the subtree under the direct destination node and returns the nodes which are present in both subtree and nonVirtualNeighbors sets |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph.getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode node)
Returns the neighbors of the node. |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode node)
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
Methods in urv.omolsr.data with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph.computeMinimumSpanningTree(OLSRNode localNode)
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForSource(OLSRNode localOLSRNode)
Obtains the headers to be sent into a multicast message |
long |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph.getLowestBandwithInBytesOfRouteTo(OLSRNode localNode,
OLSRNode targetNode)
This method retrieves the lowest credit capacity in bytes of the nodes in the route to the targetNode (included) |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are not virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsInSubtree(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
OLSRNode directDestinationNode)
Gets the subtree under the direct destination node and returns the nodes which are present in both subtree and nonVirtualNeighbors sets |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph.getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode node)
Returns the neighbors of the node. |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode node)
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
Method parameters in urv.omolsr.data with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForForwardingNodes(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> virtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet)
Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive |
HashMapSet<OLSRNode,OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getHeadersForForwardingNodes(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> virtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet)
Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are not virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getNonVirtualNeighborsInSubtree(java.util.Set<OLSRNode> nonVirtualNeighborsToForwardSet,
OLSRNode directDestinationNode)
Gets the subtree under the direct destination node and returns the nodes which are present in both subtree and nonVirtualNeighbors sets |
java.util.Set<OLSRNode> |
OMOLSRData.getVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode localOLSRNode,
java.util.HashSet<OLSRNode> nodeSet)
Returns a set of node which are virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list |
Constructors in urv.omolsr.data with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
OMOLSRData(OLSRNode localNode)
Constructor parameters in urv.omolsr.data with type arguments of type OLSRNode | |
OMOLSRNetworkGraph(NetworkGraph<OLSRNode,Weight> graph)
Uses of OLSRNode in urv.util.graph |
Methods in urv.util.graph with parameters of type OLSRNode | |
void |
NetworkGraph.updateBwOf(OLSRNode node)