g - Variable in class urv.app.samples.DrawCommand
generateAndSend() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.generator.HelloMessageGenerator
generateAndSend() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.generator.TcMessageGenerator
generateReceivedFile(FileMessage) - Static method in class urv.util.file.FileUtils
This method creates a file into the "receivedFile" folder when an instance of FileMessage is received
getAddress() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.OLSRNode
getAddressList(OLSRSet) - Static method in class urv.olsr.util.Util
This method will return a list of the addresses of the neighbors in the group (virtual neighbors)
getAdvertised() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.topology.OLSRNodePair
getAdvertisedNeighbors() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.TcMessage
getAdvertisedNode() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.topology.TopologyInformationBaseEntry
getAnsn() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.TcMessage
getApplication() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getAverageTimeBlocked() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getBandwidthCapacityInBytesOf(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
Returns the the bandwidth capacity of a specific node
getBandwidthCapacityInMessagesOf(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getBandwithCoefficient() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.OLSRNode
getBwBytesCapacity() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.OLSRNode
getBwMessagesCapacity() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.OLSRNode
getChanges() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphInformation
getChannelGenerator() - Method in class urv.app.AppLauncher
getChannelId() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getChannelName() - Method in interface urv.machannel.MChannel
This method retrieves the name of the channel
getChannelName() - Method in class urv.machannel.MChannelImpl
getClassName() - Method in class urv.emulator.tasks.EmulatorTask
getCloseIcon() - Static method in class urv.app.samples.AppTestUtil
getContent() - Method in class urv.app.messages.ApplicationMessage
getContent() - Method in class urv.emulator.tasks.stats.SequenceNumberMessageWrapper
getContent() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getCopyOfNeighbors() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTable
Returns a copy of a set containing all the neighbors of the node
getCopyOfSet() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.mpr.OLSRSet
Returns a copy of the set, and prevents from concurrent modifications
getCopyOfSymNeighbors() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTable
Returns a copy of a set containing all the neighbors of the node
getDest() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OLSRHeader
getDestAddr() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.routing.RoutingTableEntry
getDstNode() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
getEdgeBetween(N, N) - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
getEdges() - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Return edge list from actual network graph
getEdges(N) - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Return edge list where the node n is the source or the target
getEmuInetAddress(int) - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualAddressGenerator
Returns an already created Emulated InetAddres
getEmulationController() - Method in class urv.app.AppLauncher
getEmulationController() - Method in class urv.emulator.tasks.EmulatorTask
getEmulationTasks() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getEmuNodeAddress(int) - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualNetworkInformation
Returns a new InetAddress for an existing node in the simulation
getEntry(K) - Method in class urv.olsr.data.ExpiringEntryTable
Return the entry corresponding with the given key
getFileName() - Method in class urv.app.messages.FileMessage
getFormat() - Static method in class urv.util.audio.AudioUtils
Returns the format of the retransmitted audio
getFormat() - Method in class urv.util.audio.FormatControls
getForwardingTable() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OMOLSRHeader
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from all nodes)
getForwardingTableEntry(OLSRNode) - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OMOLSRHeader
Gets the list of all nodes that must receive the packet (from one node)
getGraph() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphInformation
getGraphFile() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getGroupMembers(String) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.MulticastGroupsTable
Obtains a new HashSet with cloned copies of the members of this multicast group
getGroupMembers(String) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.MulticastNetworkGraph
Returns a set that includes all nodes that have joined the specified multicast group.
getGroupMembershipNotifier() - Method in class urv.emulator.core.EmulationController
getGroupName() - Method in class urv.app.samples.Draw
getGroupNodes() - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
getGroupNodes() - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRNetworkGraph
getHeadersForForwardingNodes(Set<OLSRNode>, Set<OLSRNode>) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
Returns the header that must be set in each message when forwarding a multicast message IMPORTANT: now all nodes receive exactly the same header (broadcast reminiscence), although it should only receive
getHeadersForSource(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
Obtains the headers to be sent into a multicast message
getHopCount() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getHopCountTo(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getHops() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.routing.RoutingTableEntry
getId() - Method in class urv.app.messages.ReplyObject
getId() - Method in class urv.app.messages.RequestObject
getId() - Method in class urv.util.graph.Node
getInetAddress(K2) - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.AddressDoubleMap
Returns the InetAddress of the node from the given node number
getInetAddress(Node) - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualAddressGenerator
Returns the InetAddress of the node from the given node number
getInetAddressesOfGroupMebers() - Method in interface urv.machannel.MChannel
Return the InetAddresses of the group members
getInetAddressesOfGroupMebers() - Method in class urv.machannel.MChannelImpl
getInfo() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.EMU_UDP
getInfo() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UDP
getInfoMillis() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.BW_CALC
getInstance() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getInstance() - Static method in class urv.emulator.EmulationNeighborData
Returns an instance of the EmulationNeighborData (Singleton)
getInstance() - Static method in class urv.emulator.ReceivingQueues
getInstance() - Static method in class urv.emulator.VirtualNetworkInformation
getInstance() - Static method in class urv.log.Log
getInstance(OLSRNode, OLSRMessageSender) - Static method in class urv.olsr.core.OLSRController
In an emulated environment, the first OLSR instance will be the messageSender
getJGroupsAddresFor(InetAddress) - Static method in class urv.util.network.NetworkUtils
This method retrieves the JGropups Address equivalent to the InetAddress given.
getJGroupsAddresFor(String) - Static method in class urv.util.network.NetworkUtils
This method retrieves the JGropups Address equivalent to the String Address given.
getJGroupsAddress() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.OLSRNode
Returns a JGroups address with the current InetAddress
getJoinedMulticastGroups(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.MulticastGroupsTable
Returns the multicast addresses of the groups joined by the node
getJoinedMulticastGroups() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.TcMessage
getLinkCode() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTableEntry
getLinkedNodes(N) - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Returns a list of nodes that are in the neighbor list of node1 or that have node1 in their own neighbor list
getLinkType() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.LinkCode
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getLocalAddress() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualDatagramSocket
Gets the local address to which the socket is bound.
getLocalAddress() - Method in interface urv.machannel.MChannel
Returns the Address of the Local Node
getLocalAddress() - Method in class urv.machannel.MChannelImpl
getLocalNode() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTable
getLocalNode() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getLocalNode() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacketFactory
getLocalPort() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualDatagramSocket
Returns the port number on the local host to which this socket is bound.
getLock() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.ExpiringEntryTable
getLowest_max_credits() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getLowestBandwidthCapacityInBytesOfRouteTo(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getLowestBandwithInBytesOfRouteTo(OLSRNode, OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRNetworkGraph
This method retrieves the lowest credit capacity in bytes of the nodes in the route to the targetNode (included)
getMaxBlockTime() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getMaxCredits() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getMaxIncomingBytes() - Method in class urv.bwcalc.BwData
getMaxIncomingPackets() - Method in class urv.bwcalc.BwData
getMcastAddress() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OLSRHeader
getMcastAddress() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.MulticastAddress
getMembers() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getMessageInfo() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.HelloMessage
getMessageNotifier() - Method in class urv.emulator.core.EmulationController
getMessageSequenceNumber() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getMessageType() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getMinCredits() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getMinThreshold() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getMprSet() - Method in class urv.olsr.core.MprComputationController
Returns the reference to the last computed MPRSet
getMulticastGroupsTable() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.MulticastNetworkGraph
getMulticastProtocol() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getMyBandwidthCapacityInBytes() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getMyBandwidthCapacityInMessages() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.BW_CALC
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.EMU_UDP
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UDP
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
All protocol names have to be unique !
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OLSR
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OMOLSR
getName() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.SMCAST
getNegativeInfinityWeight() - Static method in class urv.util.graph.Weight
Returns a unique negative infinity Weight object, necessary for Dijkstra comparisons
getNeighbor() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTableEntry
getNeighborsOfNeighbors() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.neighbour.NeighborTableEntry
getNeighbortable(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.emulator.EmulationNeighborData
Returns a previous registered neighbor table
getNeighborType() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.LinkCode
getNeighbours(InetAddress) - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualNetworkInformation
Returns a list with all the neighbours of the given address If there are no neighbours, means that the node is isolated and is not currently connected to the others
getNeighbours(N) - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Returns a list of neighbours of the current node
getNetworkGraph() - Method in interface urv.machannel.MChannel
Retrieves the NetworkGraph with the topology below us
getNetworkGraph() - Method in class urv.machannel.MChannelImpl
getNetworkGraphCopy() - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRNetworkGraph
getNetworkSize() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualNetworkInformation
Returns the total number of nodes in the network
getNetworkSize() - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Returns the total number of nodes in the network
getNextAddr() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.routing.RoutingTableEntry
getNextHopTo(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getNodeList() - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Return node list from actual network graph
getNodeNumber(K1) - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.AddressDoubleMap
Returns the node number of the node from the given InetAddress
getNodeNumber(InetAddress) - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualAddressGenerator
Returns the node number of the node from the given InetAddress
getNonVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode, HashSet<OLSRNode>) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
Returns a set of node which are not virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list
getNonVirtualNeighborsInSubtree(Set<OLSRNode>, OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
Gets the subtree under the direct destination node and returns the nodes which are present in both subtree and nonVirtualNeighbors sets
getNumAcksReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumAcksSent() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumberOfBlockings() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getNumberOfCreditRequestsReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getNumberOfCreditRequestsSent() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getNumberOfCreditResponsesReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getNumberOfCreditResponsesSent() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getNumberOfMessagesInReceiveWindows() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumberOfRetransmitRequestsReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumberOfUnackedMessages() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
The number of messages in all Entry.sent_msgs tables (haven't received an ACK yet)
getNumBytesReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumBytesSent() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumMessagesReceived() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getNumMessagesSent() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getOlsrPacket(int, ValidityTime, int, OLSRMessage) - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacketFactory
Obtains an OLSRPacket with the specified type,time,ttl and content; with the local node as originator, the hop-count set to 0, and the corresponding message sequence number.
getOMOLSRNetworkGraph() - Method in class urv.olsr.mcast.TopologyEvent
getOriginator() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.topology.OLSRNodePair
getOriginator() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.topology.TopologyInformationBaseEntry
getOriginator() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getProtocolStackConfig(int, int) - Static method in class urv.conf.ApplicationConfig
Protocol stack WITHOUT multicast protocol
getProtocolStackConfig(int, int, InetAddress) - Static method in class urv.conf.ApplicationConfig
Protocol stack WITH multicast protocol
getQueue(InetAddress) - Method in class urv.emulator.ReceivingQueues
getReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualDatagramSocket
getRoutingTableEntry(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.olsr.data.routing.RoutingTable
Obtains an entry from the routing table
getSendBufferSize() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualDatagramSocket
getSendingProb() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getSeqNum() - Method in class urv.olsr.data.topology.TopologyInformationBaseEntry
getSeqNumber() - Method in class urv.emulator.tasks.stats.SequenceNumberMessage
getSeqNumber() - Method in class urv.emulator.tasks.stats.SequenceNumberMessageWrapper
getSet(K) - Method in class urv.util.graph.HashMapSet
Returns the whole set from a given key
getSource() - Method in class urv.util.graph.Edge
getSrcAddress() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OMOLSRHeader
getSrcNode() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
getState() - Method in class urv.app.samples.Draw
getState(OutputStream) - Method in class urv.app.samples.Draw
getState() - Method in class urv.app.samples.SimpleSenderApplication
getStringGraph() - Method in class urv.emulator.VirtualNetworkInformation
getSubtree(N) - Method in class urv.util.graph.NetworkGraph
Returns all the nodes under the current node (in a directed graph) without the current node
getTarget() - Method in class urv.util.graph.Edge
getTemporalNodes() - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
getTextBuffer(int) - Method in class urv.log.TextPaneAppender.TextPaneOutStream
getTextPane(int) - Method in class urv.log.TextPaneAppender.TextPaneOutStream
getTextPaneOutStream() - Method in class urv.log.TextPaneAppender
getThread() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.EMU_UDP.UcastReceiver
getThread() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UDP.UcastReceiver
getTimeFormatString() - Static method in class urv.util.date.DateUtils
This method returns the current date as a String
getTotalTimeBlocked() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.FC
getTtl() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getType() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.BwCalcHeader
getType() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.OLSRHeader
getType() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
getUnackedMessages() - Method in class org.jgroups.protocols.JOLSR_UNICAST
getUnicastPort() - Static method in class urv.conf.PropertiesLoader
getValue() - Method in class urv.util.graph.Weight
getView() - Method in interface urv.machannel.MChannel
Returns a view with the members of the current group
getView() - Method in class urv.machannel.MChannelImpl
getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
getVirtualNeighbors(OLSRNode) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRNetworkGraph
Returns the neighbors of the node.
getVirtualNeighborsExistingInSet(OLSRNode, HashSet<OLSRNode>) - Method in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRData
Returns a set of node which are virtualneighbors of the given node and also exist in the given list
getVirtualNetworkInformation() - Method in class urv.emulator.core.EmulationController
getVTime() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.OLSRPacket
getVTime() - Method in class urv.olsr.message.ValidityTime
getWeight() - Method in class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
getWeight() - Method in class urv.util.graph.Edge
go() - Method in class urv.app.samples.Draw
goRefresh() - Method in class urv.app.samples.GroupPanel
GraphChanges - Class in urv.emulator.topology.graph
This class keeps all the changes that must be performed on a graph for a certain instant
GraphChanges() - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphChanges
GraphEvent - Class in urv.emulator.topology.graph
This class contains information about events that will generate a graph from a Pajek dynamic file
GraphEvent(String, String) - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
GraphEvent(String, String, String) - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
GraphEvent(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphEvent
GraphException - Exception in urv.util.graph
This exception represents a failure in the graph computation or behaviour.
GraphException(String) - Constructor for exception urv.util.graph.GraphException
GraphInformation - Class in urv.emulator.topology.graph
This class stores information about a network graph and the changes to be performed on the graph
GraphInformation() - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphInformation
GraphInformation(NetworkGraph<Node, Weight>, GraphChanges) - Constructor for class urv.emulator.topology.graph.GraphInformation
GraphPanel - Class in urv.app.samples
GraphPanel(MChannel) - Constructor for class urv.app.samples.GraphPanel
This is the default constructor
graphUtils - Static variable in class urv.omolsr.data.OMOLSRNetworkGraph
GraphUtils<N,W> - Class in urv.omolsr.util
This class is used to compute the minimum spanning tree for a network graph, that represents a multicast group.
GraphUtils() - Constructor for class urv.omolsr.util.GraphUtils
groupId - Variable in class org.jgroups.protocols.OMOLSRHeader
GroupMembershipNotifier - Class in urv.emulator.tasks
GroupMembershipNotifier() - Constructor for class urv.emulator.tasks.GroupMembershipNotifier
groupname - Variable in class urv.app.samples.Draw
GroupPanel - Class in urv.app.samples
GroupPanel(JTabbedPane, MChannel, String) - Constructor for class urv.app.samples.GroupPanel
This is the default constructor
groups - Variable in class urv.util.audio.FormatControls