Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of WikiStart

07/29/13 12:17:55 (11 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v10 v11  
    7676= Traces =
    77 ''We will make the traces from our experiments as well as the scripts publicly available
    78 upon the publication of an article which is currently under submission.''
     78'''''(NEW!)''''' Here we provide some measurement traces collected during our measurement.
     80''Trace Format''. Files are in .csv format. The column fields are:
     81- row_id: database row identifier.
     82- account_id: Personal Cloud account used to perform this API call.
     83- file_size: size of the uploaded/downloaded file in bytes.
     84- operation_time_start: starting time of the API call.
     85- operation_time_end: Finishing time of the API call.
     86- time_zone (not used): Time zone of a node for PlanetLab tests ([]).
     87- operation_id: Hash to identify this API call.
     88- operation_type: PUT/GET API call.
     89- bandwidth_trace: time-series trace of a file triansfer (Kbytes/sec) obtained with vnstat ([]).
     90- node_ip: Network address of the node executing this operation.
     91- node_name: Host name of the node executing this operation.
     92- quota_start: Amount of data in the Personal Cloud account at the moment of starting the API call.
     93- quota_end: Amount of data in the Personal Cloud account at the moment of finishing the API call.
     94- quota_total: Storage capacity of this Personal Cloud account.
     95- capped (not used): Indicates if the current node is being capped (for PlanetLab tests).
     96- failed: Indicates if the API call has failed (1) or not (0).
     97- Failure info: Includes the available failure information in this API call (if any).
     99''Files and Experiment Description''.
     102''Citation Policy''.
     104To benefit from this dataset in your research you should cite the original measurement paper:
     105"Actively Measuring Personal Cloud Storage". Raúl Gracia-Tinedo, Marc Sánchez-Artigas,
     106Adrián Moreno-Martínez, Cristian Cotes and Pedro García-López.
     1076th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (Cloud'13), pages 301-308.
     108June 27-July 2, 2013, Santa Clara Marriot, CA, USA. ([])
     110Bibtex format:
     112author = "Gracia-Tinedo, Ra{\'u}l and S{\'a}nchez-Artigas, Marc and Moreno-Mart{\'i}nez, Adri{\'a}n and Cotes-Gonz{\'a}lez, Cristian and Garc{\'i}a-L{\'o}pez, Pedro",
     113booktitle = "IEEE CLOUD'13",
     114pages = "301-308",
     115title = "{A}ctively {M}easuring {P}ersonal {C}loud {S}torage",
     116year = "2013",
     119PDF Format: []
     121Thanks and enjoy :)