Step 2: Hardware Assembly

This step indicates the hardware required and the instructions necessary for the assembly of the Low Cost MiniMulticomputer Based on Odroids .

Required Hardware List

Assembly instructions

  1. Mount the Odroid C2 boards on a structure that allows ventilation. An assembly suggestion is shown in the image to the right.
  2. Connect the ethernet cables to the respective ethernet port of each board at one end and connect the other end to the ethernet ports of the Switch.
  3. Connect the USB-Ethernet adapter to the USB port on the board that will act as the master.
  4. Connect the remaining ethernet cable to the USB-Ethernet adapter that we just connected and at the other end connect it to the router.
  5. If the boards do not have an Ubuntu image (in case you just bought them), go to Step 1: Load Images.
  6. Once all the boards have the Ubuntu image, connect the power cables to the power using the multi-USB plug. Also connect the Switch to the electrical current.

Once these steps are finished, you have the hardware system assembled and ready to go. In the following image you can see a diagram of how the network looks:

Now, to configure the system, you can go to Step 3: Software Installation.