
Snap logo Snap: Structured overlay Networks Application Platform is a Java2EE web application deployment and management infrastructure for structured peer-to-peer overlay networks (the so-called DHTs). By using Snap, developers can easily deploy any kind of JavaEE web application onto a worldwide network. Moreover they can use the services the framework provides, which let developers concentrate on the real aspects of the web application to develop, thus forgetting about persistence, security, load balancing, failover and others.


p2pCM logo p2pCM: Structured Peer-to-Peer Component Model. We have designed a new decentralized P2P grid component model which runs on top of an overlay network. We have implemented the majority of traditional component models services, but adapted them to the underlying topology. p2pCM also includes innovative services like the adoption of a lightweight container model and a decentralized component location and deployment facility.


Dermi logo Dermi: Decentralized Event Remote Method Invocation is a peer-to-peer, decentralized event-based object middleware framework built on top of a structured Distributed Hash Table overlay network. Based on an event-notification service that becomes its principal building block, Dermi makes three innovative contributions: p2p call abstractions, a distributed interception mechanism, and a decentralized object location service. Dermi is built on top of a decentralized key-based routing (KBR) overlay network. It benefits from the underlying services provided by the p2p layer, including group multicast and anycast, the DHT abstraction, and a decentralized object location and routing layer. Dermi models method calls as events and subscriptions using the API provided by the multicast abstraction.